"Oh you want to see it? My "gift"— excuse me, "potential". Well let's just take a look now shall we?"

"Pick a door, any door. I can take you freakin' anywhere!"

"All this dang paperwork. Alright, alright just give me a second."

NAME:Clover Grey-Dearly

"Sometime it feels like they have a mind of their own I swear..."

This piece of shit keyring! Aka Skeleton Keys

OBSERVATIONSClover is “cursed” to carry around a set of keys on a keyring. They will place themself on her person starting at a distance of 10ft/3m. Sometimes they will simply “appear” and other times they will be seen dragging on the floor after her or will fling themself at her head at a high velocity.There are a total of 10 keys of various make, age, and design. The keys can be inserted into any door, even ones that would not fit under normal circumstances. When one of these keys is used on a door, the door will open to a predetermined location based on the key used and the material of the door. This location is not where the door is supposed to lead and under normal circumstances is impossible based on geographic location.ie. using the gilded primary key on a metal door will lead to an employee entrance in the eiffel tower.The keys only work for Clover. Others that try will not be able to fit the keys in any locks.Noted: Clover seems reluctant to explore this ability and therefore doesn’t know where many of the doors lead.

"What the hell is this a full on interview? I haven't felt this interrogated since I applied for KFC as a kid."



OBSERVATIONSOn first impressions Clover is a feisty and friendly person, with a penchant for mischief and adventure. Her friends from college reminisce often on all the hijinks they all got into, usually due to Clover’s encouragement or directly as a result of her assertive, take-charge personality. When things are still and quiet she is keen to shake things up, usually for the better.It is extremely hard to keep the library major in one place or focused on one thing, and even with something to ground her she tends to stray away, either with racing thoughts and ideas that she has to speak into fruition or physically moving on to the next thing that has piqued her interest. This can sometimes lead to people thinking she doesn’t care what they have to say, and honestly? Half the time they would be correct, because though they are friendly and appreciate others, her own entertainment comes first, even before societal politeness.You would expect someone so bookish to favor logic and reason over the mythic and divine, but she finds various ideologies exciting, and can hold long conversations discussing the universe, the future, the occult, and religious views, though it is always carried with the sense that she finds it all whimsically as opposed to serious topics. Despite how forthcoming and honest she is, her own ideologies are usually presented as vaguely as possible, leaving it open for others to discuss their views.Clover is possessed with a strong sense of wanderlust and hates being tied down to one place for long. Making memories and capturing the world in her mind is very important to her, as is learning about everything around her. Her ravenous appetite for knowledge and curiosity can lead to some obviously risky behavior, such as talking to any stranger regardless of the setting or trips down back alleys just to see what’s back there, but overall she would prefer to take the scenic route and learn from it as opposed to the beaten path. This can also turn simple, thirty minute trips into multi hour ventures much to the chagrin of her peers, or frequent disappearances. She is never on time.She’s quick to access her surroundings and the people around her, and despite her lack of focus at times, she is extremely attentive to details. Her focus appears to be more so on the twenty thousand micro-details that exist in the universe as opposed to the bigger picture.

"A background check? You all are pretty thorough..."

EARLY LIFEClover came from a simple upbringing in Chicago, Illinois. She was a single child raised by loving parents who were respected in the community, and she lived a fairly comfortable life. Her father, Ted Dearly, is a logger who travels for weeks at a time for work. He always came home with little treasures from his outings; small rocks and gems, pressed flowers, egg shells, and wood carved animals were all highly anticipated gifts to the young girl. He also had many stories to share from local folklore to hyperbolic ghost stories, or even the one time he saw an elk with antlers the size of two men! Clover ate these tales up and spit them out later as fact, even building on them to entertain her friends and family.Her mother, Sheila Dearly, was a glass blower and jewelry maker as well as the nearby primary school’s art teacher. She took Clover to many art and jewelry shows, and is directly responsible for the child’s love of books. On their trips Sheila would take Clover to thrift shops and the two would buy a single book that piqued their interest, and that’s what they would read from start to finish for the week.In her teenage years she began to volunteer at the local library, using it as a means to satisfy her book habit and offer recommendations to her mother. In school she was well liked, but easily forgettable as she tended to keep to herself. It wasn’t until she moved abroad to London for college did she really start coming out of her shell and finding that she had a certain charisma with people. No one was surprised that Clover’s education plan was a degree in library science.COLLEGEDuring her studies she joined a book restoration club on a whim and found a deep rooted love for the medium, pocketing away the talent to hopefully use later down the line in her career. This is where she met Florence Grey, her soon to be husband. Florence was soft spoken and gentle, the youngest of ten siblings. The two hit it off and were inseparable from the start, though Clover was hesitant to acknowledge or act on her obvious affections for the history major. They had been friends for three years before Clover took the initiative and asked Florence out. The two would soon move into a cozy little apartment together on the edge of the city.She and Florence would graduate school and Florence would propose at their graduation party, which Clover happily accepted. The two quickly settled into their respective careers of choice, with Florence becoming a history teacher at the nearby boarding school and Clover jumping head first into her new found hobby of sniffing out rare and valuable books to restore. She would plunge herself into her work, following leads all over the country to hunt down a book of interest. The chase was borderline addictive and the payoff? Twice as much. It wasn’t the most reliable position, with large payouts followed by long dry spells. In order to help stay afloat she offers her services to libraries and museums, restoring books of historical significance or well loved children’s books alike. Florence also helps support her, given his more stable financial position.PRESENTShe has spent 2 years trying to explore her gift on her own with little luck. Following a certain incident with her potential, the conservator finds herself at Tabula Rasa's doorstep for guidance into the many keyed ring she now finds herself the warden of.

"We just have a couple more questions for you."

"Oh thank god."

"Why are you joining Tabula Rasa?"

"I have to figure out what's happening. What these damn keys are up to. I have to [REDACTED]. It's my fault you know."
[audible sigh.]
"I just need answers. I figured with all your fliers— highly intrusive by the way— that maybe you all would have those answers."

"How do you feel about Tabula Rasa and the societies overall?"

"If I'm being quite honest it's sort of... weird. They're all kind of weird. It's like the neighborhood watch except everyone's a freak. I definitely don't see the value of my own "potential" in this setting. But on the other hand research is really important. I guess I'm happy someone is documenting everything. You are keeping records, right?"

"How do you feel about Potential and its revelation?"

"Despite my reservations about uh, my own potential it's quite fascinating. While I think these societies are weird and unhelpful I do enjoy that there's magic in the air. I mean, think of the possibilities. The scientific breakthroughs. Society has felt like it's been bottle necking for some time now and I think this will help humanity overall. Or at the very least it'll be fun to explore while it lasts."

"How does your Potential affect your daily life?"

"You mean before [REDACTED]? Well it was just pretty damn convenient. Travel plans cost nothing, I can go to McDonald's whenever I want. I'm talking the American McDonald's. The Micky D's around here just doesn't hit the same. I was just so excited to see what was behind those doors...""Now I guess it really doesn't affect much except now I have to carry around a three pound weight everywhere I go. That key ring is heavy!"

"How did you awaken?"

"It really wasn't all that special if I'm being honest. I just woke up one day two years ago with this key ring on my dresser. It hasn't left since."

"What are your beliefs, morals and ideals?"

"Hmm. I guess what matters most to me is the pursuit of knowledge. Learning and curosity is what inspires and moves me. I especially love the sort of information that people try to hide. The stuff that makes you want to break into museums, like National Treasure or something. Knowledge doesn't follow any law and you don't find the good stuff without breaking a couple rules.""Uh, don't worry though I'm not like Nicholas Cage. I'm not going to snoop around the society trying to dig into anything. I'm just here for help with [REDACTED]." You have the slightest suspicion she might be lying.

"Describe your overall wellbeing and your relationship to the world around you."

"Uhhhhhh. I think I'm a rather well adjusted individual. Maybe a bit boring. I restore books, I love my husband. I like walking to the pond and feeding ducks. I'm maybe a little bit of a loner but that's about it."

Fairy TalesBrussel Sprouts
Sour BeerChildren
✤ Clover picked up flower pressing from her father
✤ She carries a leather bag filled with her book binding tools
✤ She and Florence hike for fun as a couple’s activity and travel a lot for that in the summer
✤ She’s a pretty good cook!
✤ She’s a bit of a germaphobe and always has hand sanitizer on hand and sometimes takes multiple showers a day!
✤ She gets along well with dogs! She has a golden retriever named Marmalade. Cats refuse to accept her love despite her efforts.

SHIPPING?: Clover is a married woman.
RP PREFRENCES: I'm pretty flexible but my go to is small informal paragraphs and script. Long form will take longer to reply. Love headcanons. :3